Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Renewable Energy, Free Essay Sample

Renewable Energy Introduction With consistent growth in population and improvement in technology, energy has become part and parcel of our life. We have occasionally used fossil fuel as our central source of energy in our daily activities. These fossil fuels are generally found under the earth, formed millions of years ago and they are non renewable. The energy has aided in the continuous running of machines in industries, running of vehicles, and other machineries that make work easier. However, these fossils for instance, coal, petroleum, natural gas, and also lignite, have caused certain effects on environment making them unreliable. Fossil fuel pollutes the environment, creates various diseases that rise from poisonous gas and encourages depletion of natural resource due to the emission of carbon to the atmosphere which may result in global warming. When the use of these fossils is increasingly affecting the environment, renewable energy tend to protect and preserve the environment by ensuring good and favora ble conditions. Renewable energy like sun, wind, biogas, and tidal waves, are becoming more and more popular in various countries. For instance there has been an increased wind-power use in India and Germany. These renewable sources are cheaper and are friendly to the environment hence as human beings, we should adopt the use of various sources to create a good environment and improve quality of life. Indians, have gone ahead to use biogas in most households. The use of these sources has made the health conditions not hazardous. This essay seeks to describe renewable sources of energy for instance wind power, solar power, tidal waves are some of the key items. Solar Energy The world nowadays thinks of the sun as the future source of energy. Since ancient times humanity used to view sun as just source of light and heat only. Of late with the new technology it is proving that sun gives light and also its energy can be transformed to provide electricity which can sustains the entire planet. In India, it is estimated that the rays from the sun or exposure solar insolation per square meter is quite high. Countries can harness the rays and use the power generated in running of different machines during the day. In the twenty first century, the new inventions have seen emergence of solar heaters and solar cookers, industrial water heaters, solar voltaic cells (Sendy 2014). All this inventions is for the good of the people. In rural areas solar energy has been has been used to generate light during the night. Of late charging the phone, listening to radios and even watching TVs is easy since the invention of solar thermal energy. One of the simplest methods ap plied to harness energy is use of photovoltaic cells. They have been invented in such a way that any ray from the sun is simply trapped and converted to electrical power (Kraft, 2017). Wind Power Wind power has also been one of the renewable energy so far (Melain, 2017). It has been used in countries like Germany, Denmark, and America. The wind power uses the same principle of converting kinetic energy to electrical energy. This principle is also applied to the hydro- electric power system. Though, the wind power system depends on whether condition and cannot be consistently be used but it eases protecting and preserving environment. One of the major demonstrations of wind mill has been seen through by the involvement of private sector and private organization. In Tamil Nadu and Odisha as well as Gujarat, a wind farm of 32 MW has been set up. This action shows how humanity has seen the importance of wind energy. Of late wind pumps have been installed and various wind power station set up in order to make use of the freely available wind. The pumps have aided in irrigation and provincial of water from underground. Geothermal Geothermal is one the best invention so far of the renewable energy. The heat generated underground due to pressure and earth movement has been harnessed and utilized in provision of energy to the world (Molavi, 2017). Various methods have been introduced in order to harness the heat and convert to electricity. Different companies have been established to manage and control the process of acquiring the energy. The steam and gas produced underneath due to the pressure of the earth crust has been harnessed and converted into electricity. The steam majorly originates from fissures and holes underground. Hydroelectric Power Water has been part of the earth and has formed a significant part in our life. Energy has been provided from water through the introduction of hydro electric turbines that turns the kinetic energy of water to form electricity. Â  For instance in Kenya, Moringa dam was created to harness water from rivers in order to provide the kinetic energy that runs the machine. Through water enough power to run machines and large industrial machineries has be eased. Today hydroelectric power is one the most commonly used source of electricity (Singh, 2014). Different substations have been set up in order to utilize energy harnessed. Advantages of Renewable Source of Energy The advantages that have come with the invention of renewable energy have been greatly seen by various people and to the environment. Whereas the fossils generate poisonous gases and emission of carbon into the atmosphere, the renewable energy has been greatly adopted due to its environmental friendliness. As long as we are living one thing is assured of us that, solar, water and wind will be there. In the planet today the solar energy has been used to provide electricity and is environmentally friendly. Wind power has been used also to provide electricity and run the driven pumps in order to provide water. Renewable energy is cheap and easily obtained since they are natural. Renewable energy produces less carbon dioxide emission which does not affect the weather, whereas the use of fossil fuel provides different emission that result to acid rain. However they have some drawbacks for instance use of this energy is costly and expensive in setting up of certain machineries and turbines . Wind cannot be consistently be used since wind varies time to time. Conclusion The world today is full of activities that require full energy. The machines and vehicles require energy to move because they are made and run by engines which require energy. Renewable energy has played an important role in maintaining good environment. When most fossil affect the environment the solar energy wind, water, and geothermal have aided in dealing with environment and maintain the globe peaceful condition. Reference Sendy A. (2017). Solar Power Facts. Retrieved from Kraft S. (2017). The Best solar Panel. Retrieved from Melain M. (2017). Wind Energy. Retrieved from Singh R. (2014). Renewable and Sustainable Energy. Retrieved from Molavi M. (2017). Precidea Engineering. Retrieved from

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Domestic Unrest And Jennifer Johnston s Fiction Of The...

One of the critics who discuss Johnston’s work is Laila Khan. In her essay, â€Å"Domestic Unrest and Jennifer Johnston’s Fiction of the Irish Trouble,† Khan focuses on how Johnston’s novels do not concentrate on the violence happening in the nation, but instead how she â€Å"uses Irish domestic fictions to explored alternative approaches to friendships and family bonds that could exist when women reject nationalist narratives† (2). Khan’s essay analyzes these trends in relationship to the mothers in Johnston’s The Railway Station Man and Shadows on Our Skin. While women often are representative of Ireland in Irish fictions, Khan notes that Johnston purposely creates mothers that â€Å"refuses to act as mouthpieces for national rhetoric in the home, choosing instead passivity or alternative kinships as what they see as the only escape† (3). An example of this from Shadows on Our Skin is the way the Mrs. Logan â€Å"has sent he r eldest son Brendon off to England in hopes of keeping him safe† (3). According to Khan, the purpose of this is to keep him away from â€Å"his pro-Nationalist father, [and] also out of the Irish public sphere† (3). In The Railway Station Man, Helen â€Å"is less interested in protesting political involvement than she is in escaping it entirely (6). It is because of this that Helen is unlike many mother, she does not â€Å"force her son to owe her anything† (9). This analysis differs from the one that will be examined in this paper because, while the mother is an important figure, she

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United States Of America, Home Of The Brave And Land

United States of America, home of the brave and land of the greedy. While free is the word that is usually a part of that statement, there are many countries that would disagree with you on word choice. For example, no one enjoys a country that helps fund your country’s dictatorship only because they do not want communism spreading through the political system like wild fire. Hundreds of soldiers trained and many innocent dead. While the American’s were not pulling the triggers, they were giving the guns and training the army to fight and kill all who seemed to be siding with the communist party. Yet many do not know that America would do this to small little El Salvador. While in turmoil, El Salvador has always been a country of peaceful†¦show more content†¦This led to twelve gruesome years of pain and suffering from both sides, while many innocent people were caught within the mix. 75,000 civilians alone were killed by the government forces, and many were di splaced from their homes and lost their families. â€Å"Let my blood be a seed of freedom and the sign that hope will soon be reality,† Archbishop Oscar Romero gather people in a time of hardship and was the leader for the innocent farmer that turned towards God to help resolve this problem. Sadly, on March 24, 1980, Mr. Romero was killed at the hands of the government who didn’t enjoy his message. The assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero was the first of many awful moments throughout the war. The death of Mr. Romero was what got many of the innocent to take sides with the FMLN because of the connection of the government to this murder. It was even worse that snipers shot down at the crowd that mourned his death which led to the death of 42, the real beginning of this bloody fight. United States was brought into this fight when four nuns, who were traveling through El Salvador to help people in need, we raped and murdered and it was discovered that it was done by t he cruel military forces. President at the time, Jimmy Carter, decided that it would be best to cut off aid to El Salvador for a short period of time. Yet this changed in 1981, when Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Discussion on Free-To-Air Channels-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Analyse Free to Air Channels Right Fee Sport Broadcast. Answer: Introduction Soccer is one of the most watched sports globally, especially during weekends when most people are not at work (BLISS, 2013). This game is widely broadcast via Televisions and radio channels worldwide. These broadcasting networks can provide commercial services or free-to-air (FTA) services while broadcasting this game. This report entails an evaluation and analysis of an Australian Football league one hour match featuring Adelaide Fc vs Brisbane lions that was aired live on Foxtel channel 7 (Guthrae, 2015). This is one of the FTA channel in Australia that broadcast soccer games live (Industry, 2016). During the broadcast the channel runs various sponsors advertisement within the 120 minutes allocated for each soccer match. For an FTA channel such as Foxtel channel 7 to broadcast such game via broadcasting network for free it has to take some considerations on how to compensate for the network fee charged while airing the game, thus the use of advertisements (OECD, 2013). During the one-hour game between Adelaide Fc vs Brisbane lions, the following adverts were displayed at different intervals; Coca-Cola, CrownBet, SportsBet, Toyota, Gatorade, Carlton Draught, Woolworths and nab. Amongst these Cocacola appeared twice, while SportsBet and CrownBet appeared once each in the first 45 minutes of the game. The rest appeared after the first half during the first half analysis of the game where Toyota appeared twice while Gatorade, Carlton Draught, Woolworths and nab appeared simultaneously each once while still in half time. The duration at which advert were being displayed was exactly 30 seconds. The events were displayed in a manner whereby some appeared scrolling at the bottom of the screen when the game was still in play while others were displayed in the main screen taking most part of the screen actually like three-quarter of the screen window used (Poggi, 2016). Adelaide Fc versus Adelaide Fc vs Brisbane lions Time Interval (Minutes and Second) Event 00:00-07:27 Game in play 07:28-07:58 Game in play with a SportsBet scrolling advert at the bottom of the screen 07:57-18:23 Game in play 18:24-18:54 Adelaide Fc Goal replay with an advert of Coca-Cola 18:55-30:12 Game in play 30:13-30:43 Game in play sharing the screen with CrownBet advert 30:44-44:07 Game in play 44:08-44:38 Brisbane lions equalizer goal replay with a Cocacola advert 44:39-46:00 Game in play and the blows the first half whistle 46:01-48:03 Major highlights on the first half match 48:04-55:04 The adverts appear simultaneously in the following: Toyota, Gatorade, nab, CrownBet, Carlton Draught, SportsBet, Woolworths and Cocacola. This was repeated in the same order as indicated above 55:05-60:00 First half match analysis From the above footage timeline, the game is underway for seven minutes without advert disruption. Then SportsBet advert scrolls at the bottom of the screen for exactly 30 seconds while the game is still in play. Between 8th to 18th minute there was no advert being displayed. At 24th second of the 18th minute to the 54th second a Cocacola advert appears taking half of the screen from the left during Adelaide Fcs goal replay. The game continues to play with no adverts for about 12 minutes when a CrownBet advert appears for exactly 30 seconds taking the bottom part of the screen. From 30th minute to 44th minute the game plays with no adverts displayed. At the 8th second to 38th second of the 44th minute of the match a Cocacola advert appears after Brisbane Lion Equalizes Adelaide Fcs goal. Then the game continues until the 46th minute when the referee blows the whistle for half time. At the 46th to 48th minute major highlights of the first half match such as shot on targets, best saves and goals scored were displayed. This was followed by a series of adverts taking exactly five minutes i.e from 4th second of the 48th minute to 4th second of the 55th minute. The adverts were in the following order - Toyota, Gatorade, nab, CrownBet, Carlton Draught, SportsBet, Woolworths and Cocacola respectively. This was repeated in the same order for a second time. Then the first half match analysis began at 55th minute to 60th minute before the game was underway for second half. Cost of Rights Calculation From The Australian website, AFL signed a contract with Foxtel Channel seven where Seven Channel paid $840m for the free-to-air network fee for a span of six years (DAVIDSON, 2016). This translates to $140m per year in which in a year the channel is supposed to broadcast 34 soccer games. The cost for network fee for an hour soccer match can be shown in the calculation below. $140m - 1 year (broadcast 34 games) Thus, 1 game = $140m/34 games = $4m/120minute of the game. Therefore, for 1-hour match broadcast network fee as per the contract =$4m/2 hours =$2m. Considering the number of supporters both Adelaide FC and Brisbane Lion Fc has globally, this translates to large number of viewers. Hence, the cost of adverts displayed during the match will be higher than normal depending on the organization. Thus the total amount charged for all adverts by Foxtel channel seven in the 1-hour match broadcast is as follows: For: Cocacola - $190,000 per 30 second Appeared 4 times hence $190,000*4 = $760,000 For: Toyota - $180, 000 per 30 sec Thus, $180, 000*2 = $360, 000 For: SportsBet and CrownBet - $100, 000 per 30 sec each Appeared thrice each, thus ($100,000*3 )*2 = $600,000 For: WoolsWorth, nab and Carlton Draught - $100, 000 per 30 sec each Appeared twice each, thus ($100,000 * 2) *3= $600, 000 Therefore, the total amount generated from the above adverts for just one hour of match play is equivalent to: $760,000+$360, 000+$600, 000+$600,000 = $2.32m From these calculations, Foxtel channel Seven is able to receive a total of $2,32m revenue from airing various companys adverts during the match between Adelaide Fc and Brisbane Lion. This amount exceeds the cost charge for broadcasting network fee of $2m by $320,000 in one hour. This therefore means that Foxtel Channel Seven is able to recoup the network fee it paid for one hour broadcast as well as making a good profit of $320,000 as shown in the calculations from the frequent adverts. Conclusion From the above explanations it is therefore right to conclude that Free-to-air channels are able to compensate the amount of fee paid for broadcasting channels from the number of adverts displayed during sports such as soccer matches (Wun, 2016) . Also apart from recouping network fee amount, they are also able to make profits from the amounts collected from the same adverts as seen in the AFL Adelaide Fc versus Brisbane Lion aired on Foxtel Channel Seven. References BLISS, K., 2013. Livestrong. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 August 2017]. DAVIDSON, D., 2016. Football fever will cost advertisers more. Adelaide Fc: The Australian. Guthrae, T.K.a.B., 2015. AFL signs new six-year, $2.5 billion broadcast rights deal. Adelaide Fc: AFL. Industry, F., 2016. AFL and NRL Grand Final Advertising Costs. What happens off the field in Australian Football, pp.1-5. OECD, 2013. Competition Issues in Television and Broadcasting. Research Paper. Bulgaria: OECD Global Forum. Poggi, J., 2016. TV Ad Pricing Chart. A show in its 13th season returns to the top 10 most expensive buys, pp.1-12. Wun, C., 2016. Top 10 priciest shows on broadcast for advertisers. pp.1-2